Sometimes things break, and then we've got to fix them.

Google Bot delays executing your JS


The Google bot delays execution of your javascript for hours and sometimes even days after it crawls your pages.

Lead up

We inadvertently discovered this after making a mistake. We removed some code that reported a users current timezone to our servers via Ajax. It had been used to format times in a given user's timezone. It was old code and it was an old idea; we primarily use relative times now.


After deploying the code removal, our error logs immediately started lighting up with: Unknown ajax response function: setTimezone. We knew this wasn't a huge deal. It was an Ajax call, it would be invisible to users, nothing would appear broken.

But why were we seeing these errors? Pages that are rendered now will never make that ajax call.

Ahah!, our Varnish cache keeps old pages around for a few minutes. After restarting Varnish, the error logs were a lot cleaner. Most, but not all, of the errors stopped. We were now consistently seeing several per second like this:

Oct 18 23:40:40 php: ◼|>>> [] {UserError} /Project/See-Thru+Potato+Cannon/5/1 Exception - All:
Oct 18 23:40:40 php: Unknown ajax response function: setTimezone in ... <<<|◼


It took us a bit to realize that all the IPs were similar (66.249.*.*). A reverse lookup revealed that it's an IP block owned by Google. In particular, it's a block used by the Google bot for crawling the web.

Pretty quickly we came to the conclusion that the Google bot must execute javascript separate from (and after) downloading web pages. It makes sense when you're doing things at Google scale; they must have a giant queue of downloaded pages whose javascript is waiting to be executed. But we didn't realize how long they waited in that queue.

It's now been 3 days and we're still seeing errors trickle through.

This is a minor error and didn't really affect our customers at all. But we can imagine other scenarios where after a deploy, using old html and old javascript could make part of our site non-functional. The Google bot could easily just assume all our pages were broken or missing content.


If you're removing code or changing an endpoint, be careful you don't screw the Google bot, which might be "viewing" 3-day-old pages on your altered backend.

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